'Northland: A 4,000-Mile Journey Along America's Forgotten Border' by Porter Fox

Finished 10/22/2019 around 9:45pm

On a recent trip to the great state of Maine, my wife and I made a trip to Longfellow Books in Portland. There, I found 'Northland' by Porter Fox featured and picked it up straight away.

'Northland' covers Fox's trip across the length of the US-Canadian border, examining lifestyle, history and current events across his journey. This includes paddling in Maine following Champlain's steps, sailing across the Great Lakes on a freighter, visiting Standing Rock reservation during the Keystone XL protests (and after), as well as traveling the 'Medicine Line' to the pacific.

Overall the book was quite enjoyable, especially historical veins like that of Brulée (a really really fascinating person I had never heard of) and Red Cloud (of whom I have a biography about that has been sitting in the 'next' position on my bookshelf for some time).

Fox doesn't break too much original ground, though for a book this length and scope it wasn't necessarily expected. I'd say it's worth a read, especially as a means to capture a place and culture in the US that's often overlooked.