
Finished 03/14/2020 at approximately 9 PM

Fascinating book. Like always, a very compelling read by Murakami -- it dives into some strange areas, and in some ways is even stranger than his previous work.

It's taken me a minute to catch a breath enough to write a review of this -- however, as I think back on this book, as always I'm more struck by it's 'vibe' than it's content.

In this way, the book has remained memorable to me, but evades the best words on how to describe it. The story is strange and remarkable -- a portrait artist, going through a crisis of sorts, living in another artists' former home and discovering some strange things -- it could be a wonderful David Lynch film to be honest. But what really puts the story above others is Murakami's unique style -- almost as soon as I put down this 600+ page book, I feel as though I could pick up yet another of his works immediately.

Would recommend.