Finished 10/31/19 at 6:15 AM


The environment and climate change is something that will contiune to grow in importance, and therefore is something that I feel the desire to read more and more about.

I picked up Tatiana Schlossberg's 'Inconspicuous Consumption' based on the fact that she was one of the lead environment reports for the New York Times, whose work I enjoy and respect a lot.

The book itself was very informative, a bit strange and moderately stressful. Filled with lots of facts on the environmental impact of various activities (technology, fashion, food and fuel), Schlossberg adds a high degree of wit to make the topics more enjoyable to read about, though purposefully doesn't offer any tangible conclusions (rather than to vote) on how to change them.

I particularly liked the fashion section, which gave me more original detail than the others in the book (for example, if you've read Barber and Pollan, the food section is mostly a re-hash). It's given me more tools in understanding my consumption with clothing and has motivated me to buy second hand (for example) over new clothes at any given opportunity.

I'd recommend this book if you're looking for an informative overview of our environmental impacts, though don't expect to leave with any suggestions or plans to help mitigate them.