Finished 05/16/19 at ~6:00 AM


The internet is full of opinions -- opinions on how you should do this, what should you eat, how you should think about that -- sometimes, you just need a good ol' fashioned book that consolidates information and presents one, singular vision.

Hundley has done just that with 'How to Compost'. As a new starter in this area (first two batches under way!), I had been reading multitudes of blog posts about what I can/can't compost, what my brown/green ratio should be, what to expect as normal and how to fix problems. It was overwhelming as it was often contradictory. After some searching, I landed on a recommendation of Hundley's e-book, which was a short ~45-page kindle book that was designed to tackle this information overload directly and provide a direct, helpful and concise take on all the questions above.

The book itself is surprisingly quite funny (Hundley is a talented writer), which pairs well with it's instructive and overall usefulness. I had never purchased an e-book like this before, but it was the perfect format for such a piece. Hundley breaks down composting into digest-able pieces (no pun intended), showing where practices can be blurred (there's no such perfect process, compost is resilient) and best practices that help you avoid common problems.

Overall, for anyone interested in getting started with composting, I recommend Hundey's book whole-heartedly. It's a great, lightweight, entertaining and pragmatic dive into the science and practice of composting. At a short length, it gives you everything you need to get started with much more confidence than you'd expect.