Welcome to the new website! It's been a while since I've last written (and that was on mainly on my Medium account, all of which I've imported into this website) and even longer since I had NickWeingartner.com up-and-running. Happy to be back!

This site is designed to act as a digital home in several ways -- for my writing (both inside and outside the topic of technology), my work/portfolio as well as a means of contact. My hope is that it can act as a form of expression that's more expansive than a single-use website -- I tend to write (and have interests in) several topics, and I don't want to create a forum that only focuses on one (why can't you write about engineering management alongside the lastest piece of fiction you read?).

As of now, I've broken down topics into roughty eight components, which are organized as tags:

  • Essays - original essays based on various interests and themes
  • Reviews - reviews of (mostly) books, other media and anything interesting
  • Technology - posts focused on various technology topics, ranging from my latest open source projects to technology management to technology philosophy
  • Fiction - short stories and other fictional pieces
  • Poetry - self-explanatory!
  • Fatherhood - focused on fatherhood, raising children
  • Food - posts on culinary adventures -- from recipes, to obsessive bread diatribes, to thoughts on eating heathly and good
  • Doing Good - posts focused on how to do as much good as possible, in innovative ways

This list will surely adapt and evolve as time goes on, though I believe it's a good starting point to set a course and see where it goes!

In the next few weeks, you'll likely see several book reviews posted -- I haven't written since last March (2017) though I surely haven't stopped reading. From the best guess (props to my wife, who has helped splunk our memories for this list), here's some to expect:

  • 'Dance, Dance, Dance' by Haruki Murakami
  • 'The Aran Islands' by J.M. Synge
  • 'The Push: A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk, and Going Beyond Limits' by Tommy Caldwell
  • 'The Fearless Benjamin Lay: The Quaker Dwarf Who Became the First Revolutionary Abolitionist' by Marcus Rediker
  • 'Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming' by Paul Hawken
  • 'Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions' by Chiamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • 'The Expectant Father' by Armin Brott
  • 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' by Heidi Burkoff
  • 'Home Game: An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood' by Michael Lewis

There could be more as I dive in, as well as a number of cookbooks I've read and experimented with in the past year that I may write (and include pictures of results) about.

In addition, I've been doing a lot of thinking on various topics (the importance of third-party technologies, a voluntary carbon tax on diapers, the B Corp movement and it's application in technology, BOINC, REC credits for energy generation) that I'm really looking forward to diving into.

For those following me along on this journey, thank you! My goal is to use this forum to produce original, non-derivative work that enriches the conversation rather than just adding noise to it.