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Nick Weingartner

40 posts

‘Born to Run’ by Bruce Springsteen

Bruce, I hold, could just have easily been a writer rather than a songwriter. Although he is admittedly great in his role as the latter, he shows more than enough promise in 'Born to Run' to prove he could have a career in the former with ease. »

On Publishing “Book Thoughts”

For quite some time, I’ve developed a habit of writing in the books I read — both throughout (underling key passages, keeping notes on the margin) and at the end, where I record the exact time and place where I finished a book, and my impressions on it. »


Years pass between words written in different worlds, however similar the passage of time rarely alters, although you do. Slow around bends, but quickly though rapids the trick, I believe is to learn how to float. »

Introducing OpenWire (in pre-pre-Alpha)

I’ve always been interested in journalism. At it’s core, it’s a great and noble endeavour, one that’s necessary for the function and health of any great nation. It keeps closed doors opened, informs the electorate and promotes the transparency needed for a healthy society and economy. »